grief & loss
Grieving people realize that grief is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be carried. We live in a culture that largely wants to avoid pain, declare that “everything happens for a reason”, and asks those who grieve to do it quickly and move on. But according to author and grief education specialist David Kessler, grieving people need far more support than they receive. Kessler says that they have six needs that must be met:
1. To have your pain witnessed
2. To express your feelings
3. To release the burden of guilt
4. To be free from old wounds
5. To integrate the pain and love
6. To find meaning in life after loss
I can offer a safe place to share your story, and help you find ways to meet your own needs as a grieving person.
Grief is not a pathology to be solved but rather a new reality to be lived. A spiritual director can hold a safe space for you to express your sorrow that is yours alone, without the expectations that loved ones may have. You may also use this time to explore ways to find meaning in your life, which may or may not reflect ways you have found meaning before the loss.
“In grief, the first person you wish you could talk to is no longer alive. The second person to talk to is another who understands grief and wants to meet you right where you are”. – David Kessler